Products \ Consumer market electronics \ Sport scoreboards \ Sport scoreboard SVT17

Sport scoreboard SVT17Sport scoreboard SVT17Sport scoreboard SVT17

Sport scoreboard SVT17

Sport scoreboard

Sport scoreboard SVT 17 is designed to display the game status in sporthalls and gymnasiums. It is made of 17 high-brightness LED displays with the letter height of 170 and 110 mm. It allows you to show playing time, score of home and guest players, game period and penalties for home and guest players. Game period is displayed in green, other data is shown in red colour. The scoreboard is controlled by a wireless control device. This allows you to control the board up to 100 m distance with direct visibility. Using the control device you are able to switch on and off displayed data, set up score and game period, stop and resume playing time and set up penalties. It is possible to set 2 different penalties for home players and 2 for guest ones. After the end of the first penalty, the second is displayed. Using the remote control you are also able to set up time of the game period, set up time for 2 different penalties or to increment or decrement playing time. This means that this scoreboard can be used for many different sports. It’s possible to add external siren to sound an acoustic tone after the end of each game period. The scoreboard is supplied by an AC adapter with 12 V/5 A output. In case of need it’s possible to supply it using a 12 V battery. The control device is supplied by batteries or an AC adapter 9 V/100 mA. Dimensions of this scoreboard are 1520 x 520 x 45 mm and it’s advised to install it up to a vertical wall.

Technical info:

Power supply: 12 V/2,5 A
Number of digits: 17
Height of digits: 170 and 110 mm
Colour of digits: green and red
Visibility: app. 50 m
Ambient temperature: 0 °C ÷ 40 °C
Protection: IP20
Dimensions: 1520 x 520 x 45 mm
Installation: vertical wall

Documents for download

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